Topic: Understanding Community Organisation and Organiser
The topic “Understanding Community Organisation and Organiser” was chosen to enlighten the participants with the necessary aptitudes and information to use to make an impact on the various communities they find themselves in at the end of their service year.
The facilitator Mr. Damian Ivom gave a summary of what a community is, and what it entails with examples. He further gave a detailed explanation of the essence of organizing the community members into groups to enable us to get information on the project that can be executed in the community.

He gave a buzzer, which was surprising, that an individual doesn’t have to impose a project on the community, even though the project is important to them. You have to get their opinion before embarking on any project in the community.
When a project is identified by the community, the next thing is to source the funds, from diverse organizations with the aid of a proposal that carries comprehensive information about the project at hand, why you need their sponsorship, and how it will benefit them and the society.

This last training marks the end of the first phase. We (GGAI) want to use this opportunity to thank everyone that made the first phase of this project a success, the Team for this project, and all the Facilitators. We are looking forward to the second phase of this project which will end in weeks.