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The Effects of ASUU Prolonged Strike

The Rich Kids Graduate Before the Poor Kids: The rich who can afford private universities send their children there, where their academic calendar is unaffected, while the poor who cannot afford it tend to spend more years on campus as a result of the strike, causing the rich kids to graduate before the poor kids and thus be ahead in some aspects of life.

Immorality and crime have increased as a result of the strike, as the popular saying goes, “an ideal man is the devil’s workshop.”
Pregnancy and abortion rates among students have both increased significantly. Many students can still be seen swotting with the opposite sex around campus because the lack of academic activities allows them to bond better.

Incidentally, this is precisely what has happened. The other unions: SSANU, NASU, and ASUP, among others, have embarked on their own respective strikes thereby crippling the local economies of the various university communities across the country. This flood of strikes has rendered both the academic and socio-economic activities on campuses redundant with many lives subjected to unnecessary hardships and suffering.
A Plea to ASUU and FG; Let Us Save Our Nigerian Students’ Future It is past time for the Nigerian government to prioritize education; they must understand that in order for us to have a bright future as a nation, we must educate our youths; not just educate them, but provide them with the best quality education possible.

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